Curriculum vitae

🚧 The extended CV is currently very much WIP. Should be ready in a few days. 🚧




React logoalmost exclusively with hooks, mostly web applications (not simple sites) with a lot of state and API calls
TypeScript logousing proper TS (not many anys to be found) and swapping to JS only in rare occasions (eg. some small utility CLI tools)


GraphQL logowith Apollo or URQL client, end-to-end type safety with TS, generated types and hooks based on frontend documents
settings sign with API written over itmostly with axios, some experience with fetch, not much with other libs
State + context
React logodefault, go-to solution for state management, suitable for small to medium apps
MobX + MST
MobX logoworked with an older version, in a larger app with a single, global store
XState logoused for few pieces of more complicated state
React hook form
React hook form logoused in multiple apps for managing the state of larger forms
Zustand logowould like to try it out and possibly use it as a default state management solution
Zod logowould really like to get more into schema validation – especially when working with REST APIs, but also for data stored in persistence


Styled components
Styled components logoused a lot in the past, but now I try to get more into build time solutions
Chakra UI
ChakraUI logobuilt an internal component library on top of Chakra, used it in multiple applications
Vanilla extract
Vanilla extract logoused in my personal website, really liked it as a modern, viable CSS-in-JS solution
React Aria
React Aria (Adobe) logonot really styling, but I have tested it in one project and it seems like a good base for building accessible components
Framer motion
Framer motion logowould really like to do more with it, seems fun
Tailwind logoknow the hype but never used it myself, prefer CSS over classes but wouldn’t mind trying it out


Git logoused daily, know the basics (including rebase, cherry-pick, etc.), but only in a small team where conflicts were mostly avoidable (mostly on Bitbucket)
HTML 5 logotry to write semantic HTML and use the right tags for the right job whenever possible
CSS 3 logocan write my own styles, confident when using both flexbox and grid layouts, mostly using CSS-in-JS or CSS modules


Storybook logolove the tool, used in multiple projects for UI lib development and documentation, would like to try visual testing as well
Jest logonot used to write unit tests as most of the business logic in apps I worked on was on the BE side, I understand the importance of it though
Cypress logoE2E tests make the most sense to me – I have used Cypress in few projects to ensure core functionality works as expected
Sentry logoconnected to multiple projects both in React and React Native to keep track of user errors


VS Code
VS Code logothe editor of choice, using shortcuts, command palette, various extensions and even custom snippets!
ESLint & Prettier
ESLint logousing these in every project, although I would prefer prettier to be less opinionated sometimes
Turborepo logoused and set up few of these, most recently using TurboRepo, but would like to try Nx as well
Docker logonever had a need to use it, but I understand the benefits and would like to get into it one day


React Native (Expo)
Expo logocreated multiple applications for both Android and iOS, all using Expo and without a need to write custom native modules
NextJS logoa go-to default for any new React app, built few applications both with pages and app directory router